Thursday, 31 May 2007

The World at Large

Today I had the opportunity which does not come along that often -to go and see other centres doing a similar thing (although often not to the same scale / variety) and find out what goes on behind the scenes. The pretext for this was to identify and learn from others how they were able to refurbish / redevelop their building, and what they did with their space.

Some ideas collected, some great free information on what TO DO and what NOT to do, but perhaps more than anything a recognition within oneself that actually for all the peeling paint, cracked tiles, much of what we have at CCH is great, and alot of the work required is actually quite superficial.

The danger in these visits is to become very green eyed - I must admit it is hard not to feel this -but it is important to focus on improving what we do have, rather than waste energy on what others have and we don't.

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