Monday 29 October 2007

Changing the Clocks, Changing Times

The turning back of the clocks in the UK always becomes associated with the oncoming of winter, the "dark nights" and the end of the summer (whatever weather that was - and this year not brilliant). As the first work day back after the extra hour yesterday, today has a real sense of progress, even if a bit hectic and from my viewpoint slightly disjointed.

Or is it?

Much of my day today has been contributing to collective decisions, activities, or plans, about joint working or collaboration between sections and departments - just the kind of work I have been aspiring CCH to do since the start of the re-organisation. Has the changing of the clocks helped focus the changes of CCH or have we reached a point in the change process where the impact and implications of the change are starting to become very clear and almost tangible?

Time, as it always does, will ultimately tell.

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