Friday, 25 July 2008

When things go well

Well the Inquiry started - at CCH were are the host venue for the ICL Inquiry (Govt) into Scotlands worst industrial accident - the first Scottish / UK Public Inquiry - and before we knew it finished sitting with witnesses. The next stage will be shorter and take place in late October.

For us it proved that we can handle, and handle well, an important and complex event - there were no hiccups from our end - and indeed praise some several quarters on our professionalism and friendly responsiveness.

Much praise has also been received for the look of our completed building.

All this is topped off by the news this week that our Youth Services won the Scottish round of the StreetLeague football tournament and we are the only Scottish organisation to be awarded one of five inaugural BT Community Connector Awards!

It's simply great when things go well!!!

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

In the midst

In the midst of it (refurbishment) there is dust.
In the midst of it there is confusion.
In the midst of it there is disruption.
In the midst of it there is movement.
In the midst of it there is unsettlement.


We are nearer finished than at the beginning.
We are nearer the building we want to have.
We are nearer the kind of workplace we would wish to have.
We are nearer the quality of place that will give pride to the community.
We are nearer the beginning of a new chapter in the future of CCH.

Definitely worth the midst of it all.

Thursday, 15 May 2008

re-building - a voyage

In the middle of refurbishment is always the worst place to be.

Neither finished nor as organised as normal - you tend to be at the messiest and most disorganised. Everything is everywhere, and nothing is where it ought to be.

That us where we are right now. And being there it is difficult to see the finish line and what things will look like, and it becomes increasingly difficult to remember how things were.

But despite this we have uncovered and discovered some amazing things about our building, some lovely features, and made some new ones, which all adds to putting this generations stamp on a building which has stood before us, and will stand long after we are gone.

Such things should not be taken lightly nor dismissed. For we leave part of ourselves for those that follow to see and feel.

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Spring Lunch together

Today all the services in CCH met for lunch. From the nursery to out of school care, to young people, to older folks in daycare - all met for lunch and some entertainment afterwards.

Exactly the kind of CCH I want to have and see - and exactly the strength we have as a community organisation, now and for the last 30 years.

The kind of thing that makes any job worthwhile.

Wednesday, 27 February 2008


There are many dangers in making assumptions. The very word assume suggests that it makes an "ass out of u and me". And yet people still are quick to make judgements, pass comment and generally share their views based on a series of assumptions.

No one view of the world is right. Not one person is perfect and without fault. Should not our energies be - what can I do to help or change things rather than criticise and carp?

Perhaps we should stop more often and think about the assumptions we are making before we open our mouths...

Monday, 25 February 2008

Wrestling with the Linkages

I got into trouble the other day. Why? For not keeping this blog up to date. By Whom? My own staff. You see we have a link between the blog and the company intranet so that staff members can easily link into my latest ranting (or should that be thinking?).

How often do we link-up the different parts of our thinking and actions - and how often do we leave them to swing in the wind?

I have been wrestling with such a question around our strategic development, and how to link my thoughts and the aspirations of the Board, with the actions and objectives of the individuals and teams of CCH. We recently had an IIP (Investors in People) Pre-Assessment Diagnostic which told me we needed to do this as an organisation - following I have to say my own thinking on the matter.

The solution? - well I don't know yet - look for a later posting when I resolve this.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Celebrating Effort

OK How often do we make a point of celebrating or rewarding the efforts made by those around us, or whom work for us, or with us?

In planning out my calendar for the next few months it struck me that I had not planned in for any informal time with my management team, as before Christmas we met for lunch at least once a month.

I also have a team of volunteers whose time with us is coming to an end - and as yet no plans have been made to celebrate their time with us.

In planning forward it is easy to plan the meeting dates and the dreaded deadlines - but surely we must also plan in for those times of reward and recognition. To celebrate each other and our labours. If we don't are we not just then considering ourselves as machines?

Friday, 15 February 2008

Response to an apology

I got an apology from a member of staff yesterday.

A rare thing in itself, but this was an apology for expressing a view, an opinion, about a work issue. She apologised for mouthing off and promised to keep it buttoned in the future.

The thing is I appreciate her views and opinion. I value her openness and professional judgement. I am glad she feels able to share her views and experience with me. I need her to input into my decisions in this area as I don't always have the right, or sometimes any answers.

She is not one of those members of staff, whom we sometimes come across who "force" their views ahead of everyone else, or shouts the loudest.

So my response? Simple, I sent her this emai:

"The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people. -- Woodrow Wilson
I should say no more.


Sometimes that is all we should say.

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Time Flying


I thought I was better at keeping up to date than the gap between this and the last blog entry. But then don't we all - that is have good intentions of keeping up with things, people, friends, and yet time flys past and before you know it weeks and months have passed.

Where do we find the time and space to keep up with whats going on beyond our own world, and in some situations beyond our own walls?

And yet if as Chief Executive I don't do it or find the time, then who will? and if I don't do it then who is looking out at the wider world and picking up the trends, information, and yes sector gossip which aids our intelligence in setting and determining the future?

Note to myself - must do better. must do more keeping up!